Religious Opt-Out Letters

Teacher Request for Exclusion from “LGBTQ+” and Other Sexual Training, Instruction, Speech Codes, and Festivities

This sample letter template is designed for Christian teachers who have a religious objection to participating in training, teaching, or activities that approve, promote, or celebrate sexual dogmas that conflict with their faith. Feel free to edit it according to your beliefs, or use it as-is, and submit it to your applicable school administrators to request an exclusion from participation in these things.

Religious Discrimination Complaints

Virginia Office of Civil Rights - Discrimination Complaint Form

If you believe you’ve been unfairly discriminated against because of your religious convictions at your school, reach out to our team for an individualized assessment. Or, you can also go directly to the Virginia Office of Civil Rights (part of the Attorney General’s office) by filling out this Complaint Form. We can also offer guidance on how to most effectively fill out the form, given your unique circumstances. For a full description of the Complaint Process, click HERE.

Teacher Webinar Part 2: “Transgender” Policies

Teacher Webinars

Teacher Webinar Part 1: Critical Race Theory.